Admission Arrangements
Primary Aim
The primary aim of the Young Women’s Hub is to provide an early intervention support package to help students re-engage with learning with potential to go back into main stream education or to engage with a 16+ pathway.
Types of Placements
Short-Term Placements: Placements can be for six week blocks, with students dual registered with the Young Women’s Hub and their feeder school.
Long-Term Placements: Available when an early return to mainstream school is not appropriate.
Review Process
Placements and students are regularly reviewed with the referring body and the hub to ensure their needs are being met.
Student Acceptance
The Young Women’s Hub accepts students according to the guidance outlined in the Admissions policy, following a completed referral form and a successful placement interview. The school is compliant with all equality laws.
Age and Gender
The school admits female students aged between 11 and 16 years who have been referred to the school’s admissions panel through the following routes:
Named students on application from the local authority.
Referred by a maintained school or Academy with a duty under Section 100 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.
Referred by the local authority with a duty under Section 19 of the Education Act 1996.
Referred by a maintained school under powers set out in Section 29(A) of the Education Act 2002.
The Young Women’s Hub does not accept applications from parents/carers or self-referrals from potential students.
Student Admission Numbers
The Young Women’s Hub has a published student admission number of fifteen full-time equivalent (FTE) places. The school operates with short-term and part-time placements, allowing flexibility to meet commissioners' needs. Students will not be admitted above the published admission number unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Admission Procedures
Application Process: Applications must be made via a completed referral form, available on the Young Women’s Hub website or by email. All referral forms should be accompanied by the student’s most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP) or behaviour plan, risk assessment, current academic levels in all core subjects, and attendance levels.
Timing: Referrals can be made at any time throughout the year.
Emergency Placements: The Young Women’s Hub offers emergency placements subject to published admission numbers. Stakeholders may request an emergency placement if waiting for the next admissions date would significantly harm the student. Circumstances for emergency placements include, but are not limited to:
A critical incident occurring in school.
Immediate risk of permanent exclusion.
Significant and unforeseen deterioration in a student’s behaviour or emotional well being.
Student Registration and Information Sharing
The number of students enrolled at the Young Women’s Hub will vary throughout the academic year. The Young Women’s Hub ensures that all students are registered in accordance with Section 434 of the Education Act 1996.
Dual Registration: Part-time students, as well as those attending under early intervention programs or on fixed-term exclusions, will remain registered both at their feeder school and the Young Women’s Hub (dual registration).